Category: Main Page

ICEA hosted California Municipal Program in March 2011

The International Cultural-Educational Association (ICEA) and TD Marketing Global, Inc. in partnership with the Ukrainian company called “Business Trip Center” ( invited a group, including mayors of Ukrainian cities, municipal workers, business owners and others, to participate in a program conducted in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles (state California) during March 26 to April 2, 2011.

ICEA & Open World: Ukrainian Librarians come to Chicago and learn about American Library and Educational Systems.

In April 2010 a group of six Ukrainian librarians came to Chicago to learn about American library and educational systems. Among Chicago libraries the group visited Northwestern University Library, Indian Trails Public Library, Schaumburg District Library, Chicago Public Library, Palatine Public Library, Harper College Library and others.

Russian Jazz Musicians perform in California November 2009

A group of Russian Jazz Musicians performed in California this November as part of participating in the Open World Cultural Leadership program. Selected musicians from different parts of Russia came together into the Stockton Valley to perform, learn and exchange music with fellow students and accomplished musicians. University of Pacific and Brubeck Institute hosted the group.